Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Iaida Marascino wants to CONNECT

Many of us have a profile stored on LinkedIn or Facebook or some other social networking site. Be careful. You can receive very convincing email alerts that someone wants to 'connect with' or 'friend' you. Treat all of these emails suspiciously. They are often linked to 'very bad places' or international pharmacies offering really cheap purple or blue pills. Delete these emails immediately if your social site's preferences were set to NOT receive emails. If you have ventured too far and opened the email do not click on anything. Use the mouse and hover the cursor over the link. You can discover the actual link’s URL (address). Look for it in the status bar at the bottom of your Chrome or IE browser window.
Remember, legitimate requests will always show up on the site in a special connect and friend invitations section. Never accept a request through an email and never go to your social media site through an email link.
Always go directly to your site, log in, and check your invitations and when finished, always log out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Watch Out Mines!

Many of us have a portable with various devices, a mouse or wireless or flash drive plugged into the available ports such as the USB, HDMI, Card slots etc.
Don't be hasty when moving the portable's location. Think of those "stick outs" as explosive detonators on a MINE.
Ok, ok, just kidding. I've seen damages on every port from "stick out" collisions with— you name it!
Recently, I saw a CDROM table drawer completely torn out.
You never really get to think of something like that until now.


Knowledge is strength. In order to gain competence in Computer Karate (CK) you will need to exercise in the following disciplines.
  • Understanding your system
  • Protection
  • Backing up your files
  • The Good, Bad and Ugly Internet
  • Overload or When to Stop!